Happy New Year!
I had a little bit of fun for the New Year. I did a furniture shuffle!
You see, as a city-dweller, I live in a very small space. Think 'closets' or Lilliputian habitats. I only have a few pieces of furniture, which I need to maximise to make things workable in my apartment.
So here's what I did: I moved my red bedside table and placed it beside my official 'knitting chair' to create the ultimate Knitter's Nook.
I adopted this table from the loading dock, where people in my building give stuff away or, alternatively, old furniture goes to die. In previous incarnations, it had functioned as a computer cabinet and as an altar for my Buddha statue.
There were a few logistics to work out. I had to relocate a power bar (more complicated than it sounds) and move some artwork around, which incredibly, made room for *more* artwork - no mean feat when you have a dearth of wallspace.
Also: Dust bunnies. Whole warrens of them.
When I finished, the red bedside table had found a new home beside my chair, where I do most of my reading and knitting. My stash now lives in a shelf inside, along with all of my knitting supplies. Everything is organised and within easy reach. I love it!
The table provides a great place for my lamp (this was very important - I was having a 'light crisis'), a photograph of my mother (my knitting progenitor and first knitting teacher) and my new yarn bowl.
The yarn bowl is a story in itself. I didn't know that such a thing existed until I saw one at LK and fell in love with it. I didn't buy it, though. I wanted to look around bit, thinking that I shouldn't fall for the first yarn bowl I ever laid eyes on. So I did some perusing, both in-person and online and in the end, I realised that this yarn bowl was *exactly* the one I wanted, so I went ahead and bought my 'first love'.
The bowl is white stoneware (porcelain?), glazed with a cream colour with a touch of orange and texture in the outer glaze. The inner glaze is smooth and shiny. It totally works for its intended purpose too - I put yarn in the bowl and pretty much forget it's there. It slides around in there and feeds out through a little hole in the side.
And the crazy thing is, I *really* love it, much more than I would have imagined. It's much easier to knit when I have something to contain my yarn, it's beautiful and it makes my 'knitting corner' that much more cozy and inviting.
- Posted using BlogPress from my iPad