Tuesday, September 29, 2009

First Toque!

It took me a week and it made me crazy.

I cast on three times. Then I had to rip out several rows twice in the same morning, only to mess the whole thing up again by afternoon and then discover I was doing it wrong again in the evening. Rip, rip, rip. At least I gained some practice at backtracking. It was all 'one step forward, two steps back' for days.

But by this evening, I was well into the decrease rows (Decrease rows! Did you hear that? I'm *decreasing*!) and by the time I walked into my second 'Basic Hat Knitting' class, I was ready to take on double-pointed needles and finish the deed (new discovery: I *heart* double-pointed needles).

I walked out with a lovely purple toque!

Here it is, on my co-operative and enthusiastic model:


I'm already casting on for my second toque, this time in blue.

1 comment:

  1. oh i see-size 1 dpns! good luck! those are little! my first socks were with size 4-lorna's laces yarn. and yes-the yarn stash will grow & grow! more to choose from
