My first 'real' sock is going well. I just finished the heel gusset today and I'm moving into the perilous waters of wrap-and-turn this afternoon. With any luck, I'll be back into the comfort of even rounds by tomorrow. *holdsbreath* This is sock #1. When it's finished, I'll move on to sock #2.
The book is 'Sweet Jesus' by Canadian author Christine Poutney. The story follows three siblings who journey across the continent and into their own past. Connie is a mother of three children, Hannah is a writer and Zeus (my favourite!) works as a therapeutic clown in a children's hospital.
So far, I'm loving the characters and I've been drawn into the story.

I'm posting as part of Ginny's Yarn Along.
- Posted using BlogPress from my iPad
Good luck on your first socks! They're on my Bucket List - one day...