I bought Kate Atherley's book of simple accessory projects. There are a some really fun patterns in there I want to try, including cowls and *leg warmers*! Her first book, 'Beyond Knit and Purl', offers sections on cabling and colourwork. I think I'll give these a go on my own before taking more classes.
Speaking of classes, Mitten Boot Camp is in two weeks! I'm excited for that. The weather has been warmish, but I'm sure we'll certainly be into mitten weather in Janaury.
Last night, I cast on for the red sock, *again*. But this time, top-down. I think it will look nice. I'm loving my sock knitting adventures!

On the sewing front, I had a fantastic idea yesterday afternoon. One of my sewing books features a dish-towel pattern that includes light embroidery into the finished product. I could add a panel of plain fabric to my eye pillows, then embroider messages on them!
I was pondering where to buy embroidery floss when I remembered my craft bin. In it, I found several old cross-stitch projects (unfinished, because they were massive) along with all the floss for the projects. The embroidery fabric is stained and brittle, but the floss colours are really nice. I have embroidery hoops and needles too!
- Posted using BlogPress from my iPad
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